English for civil engineers & surveying and geoinformatics engineers  

LCE 120 is a three hour per week, 4-credit, required level course that concentrates on the learning of English for Specific Academic Purposes. LCE 120 is particularly designed to meet the needs of university students studying in the field of Civil Engineering. This course intends to familiarise the students with relevant reading material. This will be used to acquaint the students with genre (proposals, lab reports, memos, instruction manuals) and writing styles (cause and effect). Furthermore, learners are expected to develop their listening comprehension and speaking fluency by taking an active part in discussions, giving oral presentations, defending their opinion etc. They are expected to develop sufficient range of language, phonological control and sociolinguistic awareness to be able to express themselves with a degree of clarity, fluency and spontaneity.
English for civil engineers & surveying and geoinformatics engineers

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